KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.



    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2013-04-17

    26-05-2013 Empty 26-05-2013

    Post by lakhiasj Mon May 27, 2013 2:48 am

    Today was a really really relaxed day in which I literally did nothing from the moment I woke up until now. I set my alarm for 9 am but didn’t end up getting up until around 12ish. I then spent a good hour sitting in bed before I even had the effort to get out of bed. I then spent a good while eating my breakfast of cereal while watching the new season of arrested development. The show was so funny that I got through half the season before I could stop myself from continuing. I then showered and changed into super casual clothes as I could tell it would be really hot outside. I then strolled gently down to campus so that I could study in the coffee shop. On the way down I was surprised to see so many people and it was only when I was passing the Im field that I remembered this weekend was Jazz Reggae weekend. When I got to the coffee shop I was again surprised at how many people there were but I once again put this down to Jazz Reggae. I ordered a coffee and sat down to work but I had made the mistake of rbinging my fully charged ipad. Instead of working I ended up almost finishing the season of Arrested Development. I then decided that I actually needed to get some work done so I went to the library where I read through a lot of the books that I was meant to have read weeks ago. I then went back up to campus to change before I went to get my car. I then picked up a couple fo my pledge brothers so that we could go into westwood. We spent a couple of hours just hanging about and chilling in the beautiful town. It was suprising how many people there were especially considering tomorrow is memorial weekend. We ended up eating sushi at Yamamoto which was actually really fun. I deffinately ate too much as I could barely walk straight after we left. We then went to Diddy Riesse, another huge mistake. Even though the line was so long we decided to stay. At times it felt like the line wasn’t moving at all but it was still fun standing in line and talking. After we got cookies we headed back upto campus. On our way back we got to see a Bentley getting pulled over by not one but two cop cars. It was highly entertaining for us to see someone who was clearly very arrogant, getting pulled over. The cops didn’t look too happy either which really sucks for the guy who got busted. I just hope, for his sake that he wasn’t drinking and driving otherwise he’s not going to be able to drive that beautiful machine for a long time. Once we got back to the hill I parked my car and came back to my room. The first thing I did was to change into casuals again as I was feeling kind of sleepy. Instead of going to bed however I put on game of thrones and started work on my paddle. I have a feeling that im going to be up for a while as the show really woke me up again. I don’t know what it is but the story line gets more intriguing each week I watch even though I have read all the books. Right now I’m folding clothes but this shouldn’t take me to long as im not a very good folder. As soon as im done with that ill go and chill with some of my friends.

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