KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    Journal 14 - 4/30/13


    Posts : 38
    Join date : 2013-04-17

    Journal 14 - 4/30/13 Empty Journal 14 - 4/30/13

    Post by arniks27 Wed May 01, 2013 12:13 am

    Today is the same as any other day. Very exhausting and eventful. It is not bad, as usual but it is great. Tuesday is such a random day. I feel that I like the sound of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday more, and Tuesday and Thursday are just fillers. The weekends should be there, I am glad that they're there. It is awesome. My Tuesdays are the same as usual. I don't have classes today, but I have work. It is still good, but sometimes I feel that it would be nice to have a day not worrying about school or work.
    So, I finally got the chance to meet up with my big today and heres what happened. My big’s name is Stephanie Nguyen and she’s a Phi. We met-up on April 30, 2013 at Ackerman to grab brunch. She was suppose to swipe me in but since I will have an interview soon after we are done, she decided to meet up in Ackerman. She is really nice. I know that we are going to get along from the start. We have so much in common. She told me in the beginning that she was not planning to pick up a little, but when she got to know me during rush, it was like love at first sight. We are each other’s first choice, and as I get to know her more, it is becoming more evident why we are really meant to be big and little. To start, I asked her the same questions that was on the paper for bigs. I asked her favorite color and she said it is Maroon and Gold. Her favorite animal is a Red Panda. Although Red Pandas are not one of my favorite animals, I still think they are really cute. Pandas are my favorite animal, but the black and white one. Her favorite movie would be Pride and Prejudice. I love that movie too but my ultimate favorite would have to be Harry Potter. She likes Harry Potter too and we went off in a little tangent about which one is our favorite out of the 7 movies. I told her mine is the 3rd and hers is the 4th. It was weird because we cannot remember what the 5th one, Order of the Phoenix, is about. After that, I asked about her favorite music. She said she like trance music and soft rock. I like soft rock as well. She then asked me about my favorite food, I told her that I love almost anything, but ultimately seafood. It was cool because she told be that she use to work at the Boiling Crab, and I have never been. We are definitely planning a big and little day at Boiling Crab sometime. I told her that I like condiments and spices as well, and she is the same way. We both like condiments and we can use up so much when we eat. Both of us like red velvet cupcakes as well from Sprinkles. I told her about how much I love their ice cream, and she told me she has not tried it yet. So, we will also plan a day to go there so she can try their ice cream. Throughout our whole hangout we keep on planning things about hanging out in the future. She is close to my hometown so we will definitely see each other when we both go home. Since she is close to Disneyland and we both like it, maybe we will have a big and little day there too.
    It was nice to know more about my big. She also keeps on telling me how much she is there for me, and how I can vent on her. It is nice to have someone who is an active to be there to support me throughout this process. I am glad that she is my big, and I am excited to be closer to her and to get to know her more. It is a good day overall. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Yay it is finally half way throughout the week. I am excited. Tomorrow is special too because it is a month from the Banquet which will be in June 1st. It is amazing. I love the month of May. I know a few people that has birthdays this month. Good night.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:20 am