KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    Journal Entry 14


    Posts : 39
    Join date : 2013-04-17

    Journal Entry 14 Empty Journal Entry 14

    Post by sabraham Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:53 pm

    So my friend was talking to me about that video about how “Nice Guys Finish Last” or whatever. I don’t even listen to him anymore… but he said he came up with this like 75-25 rule that was going to work on EVERY GIRL on the planet. (he’s kind of a man whore so I can see it actually working for him) awks. I mean every girl that I’ve talked to admits they want some type of bad boy. On tumblr, there are thousands of posts about stories of how a guy becomes an asshole/douchebag/bad-boy after a girl he chased broke his heart time and time again by falling only for the asshole/douchebag/bad-boy. This journal is not a comment on nice guys to defend their honor or to make them seem worse than they are. It is also not about those idiotic nice guys that respond to rejection by becoming complete assholes and declining into the land of jerks, population: youknowwhoyouare. Instead, it is a breakdown of the rationale behind being not simply a douchebag, but 75% bad-boy and 25% nice-guy.
    Here’s the truth: all people flock towards things they do not have. A Hobbesian argument about how all people are inherently greedy and seek the things that give them pleasure. Or you could bring up Freud and start up a dialogue about how people head towards that which is not present due to traumatic, unresolved issues in the past. PSYCH MAJOR WHADDUP. Let’s say we agree with this ridiculous rule. For arguments sake right. So you guys can be COMPLETE assholes SEVENTY FIVE percent of the time and that TWENTY FIVE percent will somehow get every single girl on the planet to fall for you. (I’m totally unbiased) (okay, not really) whatever.
    The point my friend made was that people also like having to work to get things. The thing is, people don’t appreciate certain actions unless they are either (a) extremely nice (they exist, just not so much in the US) or (b) that action was unexpectant. Let me just say that the girls who are extremely nice and see the best in people like the nice guys; so if you want those girls, then just be who you are and things will definitely work out. On the other hand, if your goal is to get laid or hold a non-boring relationship then I guess his idiotic advice is good for you? He said, and I quote “for a woman to be unexpectant and hence APPRECIATE nice actions, you must be an asshole 75% of the time. By being the scum of the universe three-fourths of the time gives so much more weight to your “nice guy” moments.” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! Women don’t just fall on the nearest guy because he held a stupid door open after he called us fat and ugly. I’d like to pretend we have a little more integrity than that.
    I don’t even know, this entry turned out to be madder than I thought it would be. It just got me so frustrated that he honestly thinks that girls are that easy. It’s even more maddening to think that he has been with as many girls as he has. I just want to like get up on a GIANT box and scream at all of womankind for letting themselves be fooled by the ridiculous things that my friend is willing to say to get them into bed. I think of him like Barney from How I Met Your Mother, he’s a certifiable man-whore. I hope he finds his Robyn soon… because anymore time on the streets for him and who knows what will happen. Honestly 75-25. WHAT. Why is this even real life.
    Back to studying…. More later.

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