KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    Journal 28 - 5/14/13


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2013-04-17
    Age : 30

    Journal 28 - 5/14/13 Empty Journal 28 - 5/14/13

    Post by ronaldholden Wed May 15, 2013 2:55 am

    So, me and my future roommates are discussing the merits of Lana Del Rey's voice. We are also forcing one of my future roommates, Estuardo, to procrastinate. He is supposed to be writing a twelve page research paper on religion or whatever. I remembered the great times of my freshman year when I took the Sex Cluster at the De Neve Auditorium. It was a super interesting class, but it was unnecessarily difficult. For the last quarter, we had a writing seminar in which we had to write a research paper on a certain topic. Our discussion section’s overarcing theme was on sexual deviance, and so our research papers would be about some form of deviance. Naturally, chose necrophilia as my topic. I have and/or had an obsession with True Blood, so I felt like it was my destiny to write a paper on the reasons why a living human being would fornicate with a corpse or even fantasize about doing so. It was sort of funny, though, because I did all of my research and finished the paper in one day-the day it was due. I somehow managed to get an A on it, though, which ended up saving my grade because I never turned in our weekly journals. Anyway, that was my anecdote that I also happened to tell my roommates. So, I decided to help my future roommate with his paper. I told him to mention "Judas" by Lady Gaga because she is his favorite singer. It is sort of weird, though, because I am pretty sure he is gay, but I cannot stack enough evidence in support of my theory. It really does not matter, though, because I am a very accepting person of people's race, religion, or creed. So, we watched this video of Lana Del Rey singing on a French talk show. We watched in horror as several hundred cats were murdered and skinned alive. In that order. We are pretty sure that she was either high or drunk while she was singing. What I like the most about Lana Del Rey singing live is that her voice is extremely raw. You can feel her emotion vibrating from her vocal chords. I can recall the very first time I heard her voice. She was performing on Saturday Night Live and it was latter dubbed “the worst performance on Saturday Night Live in history”, which I felt was way too serious and harsh. I actually really enjoyed her performance. Perhaps I have a biased, though, because I really like the rough and passionate voice of singers from the olden days where a glimpse of stocking was looked on a something shocking. That was a line from the iconic musical, Anything Goes. It was sung by a woman named Ethel Merman, whom by today’s standards would have a terrible voice. However, to me, the raspiness is akin to a certain amount of soulfulness, much like Billie Holiday- one of my all-time favorite songstresses. I sincerely felt like I was going somewhere with this journal, but I seem to have lost it. Anyway, my pledge brothers and I had a great time after the meeting tonight. Most of us went to Café 1919 and chatted over some gelatos. We laughed and cried and laughed to the point of crying many times and it really made me realize that our brotherhood is on point. I did happen to notice that we got a little off-track in the meeting today because we were all having so much fun, but I think that in the end, this pledging process and the bonds that we form will be way more important…and our eccentricity.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 4:26 pm