KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.



    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2013-04-17

    Plagiarism Empty Plagiarism

    Post by ryanjspark Wed May 15, 2013 2:26 am

    Plagiarism. What does that mean, and why is it so prevalent in schools everywhere? Plagiarism is an act of copying someone else’s work and claiming it as your own. Simply put, people copy and paste an article or a journal from online and use it on their essay. It is a seriously offensive act, and if a student were caught plagiarizing, he would be expelled. All that hard work he put into school, studying for hours in the lounge, and the library, would all be gone. That is what happens when you plagiarize. Plagiarism is prevalent because of Internet. The way we can access information in a single click of a button is efficient to say the least. Back in the days, people actually had to write essays and journals with pen and paper. Now, we can crank out essays in no time. And the network of sharing has become so global that now everyone can access our essay if we ever put it online. Therefore, plagiarism has never been so easy. Plenty of sites, especially Wikipedia, are ripe with information about a topic you might be writing an essay for. When somebody doesn’t have the time or motivation to write a paper, they can search up the topic in minutes and copy paste all the work.
    For example, if an article said, “Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. After initial Arab military successes, the Israelis managed to push back the attack. The US convinced Israel to withdraw from the territories it had entered. For many Israelis, the 1973 war reinforced the strategic importance of the buffer zones gained in 1967. Syrian troops were stopped ten miles from the Israeli town of Tiberias; many Israelis felt that the heartland of Israel could have been overrun without the time it took for the invading forces to move through the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai,” and I copied it word by word, then that would be considered plagiarism. From the student’s standpoint, it is rational why they would do it. It is way too simple do this rather then having to think and write. However, that is not the person’s original work. It is basically stealing someone’s invention and claiming it as your own. That is a robbery of intellectual property. However, it’s not like plagiarism has been difficult to detect. There is this website called turnitin.com. It’s where students turn in essays for classes, and the website runs a plagiarism check to see anything was copied online. Since it’s easily accessible by perpetrators, it is easy for enforcers to access it as well. In that sense, plagiarism has been strongly quelled by this website. Despite the website’s success, people continue to plagiarize. They plagiarize all day long. All day long. They’re going to pop a molly because they are sweating. But nonetheless, it’s been strongly monitored. I’m pretty sure no one wants to get detected of plagiarism and get an F in the class. People are ambitious about their grades and GPA here, so they dare not screw it up. People shouldn’t put their own work online though. We live in a world where data is so fast that people can see a picture or a journal you posted the moment we upload it online. It’s amazing how technology has gone so far that almost every information we have is in a virtual entity. In a way, the Internet is a giant library that almost everybody can access. The global and enormous database is what allows us to easily copy and paste each other’s work and claim it as their own. So plagiarizers, do it at your own risk. But like I mentioned, turnitin.com is pretty effective. We are good writers enough to do essays by ourselves. It takes a while, but it is rewarding when you do your own essay and can call it your own. If you are going to copy and paste someone else’s work, cite it. Citing it actually shows that you are giving the writer credit for his work. When you quote something, you just put an in-text cite notation in it so that when you look at the works cited page, you will see where the cited work came from. MLA citation is pretty easy to do. Another sweet thing the internet can do is cite journals, articles, websites, lectures, interviews, presentations, and books within a matter of seconds. Go to Easybib.com. It is very useful to use it to cite work. It doesn’t take a while. If you don’t want your GPA to fall, do the citations. It is very useful. Fight the urge to plagiarize. It is easy to slack off. I ‘ve always been there. But it is easier to study earlier so that we can write the essay better and just chill. Don’t you want to just chill after you’ve written you essay? Don’t wait till the last second to plagiarize. Do your own work. It is rather hard to write long essays. In fact, it really is a bother when you really want to finish the essay quickly. But a true work depends on the amount of time and resources you put into it. Some people are just more efficient than others. But they are like that because they are well versed and knowledgeable in the subject. Do your own work.

    Works Cited
    Green, Stuart P. (2002). "Plagiarism, Norms, and the Limits of Theft Law: Some Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights". Hastings Law Journal 54 (1). SSRN 315562

    Gabriel, Trip (1 August 2010). "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age". The New York Times.

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