KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    Journal #27


    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2013-04-17

    Journal #27 Empty Journal #27

    Post by LeniqueDejanne Tue May 14, 2013 1:01 am

    I am a first year Pre-Political Science major and pursing a minor in Public Policy. Once I receive my B.A., I plan to attend UCLA School of Law and participate in their joint degree program to obtain my Juris Doctor and Master degree in Public Policy. I want to practice law in California and eventually open my own private practice. Once I have become an established lawyer, I can focus on giving back to my community. I plan to focus on giving back to the youth of my community. I believe that with more resources and the proper guidance, it will drive the children to want to further their secondary education.
    Receiving the Los Angeles Links scholarship will be greatly appreciated and help towards reaching my career goals. This scholarship will help me financially to continue through my second year of college. I am glad I did not allow money to get into the way of attending college and with scholarship; money will continue to not be an issue. I will use the amount awarded to pay for books, school supplies and/or class fees.
    My experience at UCLA so far has been very rewarding. My first quarter was a little challenging. It was a fairly difficult to adjust from having 5 months to maintain my grades to only having 3 months. My grades were not that great my first and second quarter, however I did learn my strengths, weaknesses, and what it is going to take for me to get the grades I know I can achieve.
    I took my first quarter to get a feel for the campus and explore all that UCLA has to offer before committing myself to organizations. By me second quarter, the two organizations that had stood out the most were Afrikan Student Union (ASU) and UCLA’s outreach program Students Heightening Academic Performance through Education (SHAPE). ASU was very welcoming of me as well as other first year students. At this meeting and other meetings we discussed issues ranging from academics to sexuality. ASU is a great safe place to go and discuss topics that affect African Americans on UCLA’s campus as well as in the world in general. Being a part of ASU is giving me the opportunity to have a mentor. My mentor is wonderful and happens to be graduating this year with a degree in political science. He has been a great academic tool in providing me with helpful information about what to expect with my major, classes, and professors. ASU in general has helped me greatly with transiting out of high school mode into college mode.
    Through ASU I got introduced to the outreach program SHAPE. Unfortunately there are not many African American students or students of color in general on UCLA’s campus. SHAPE provides tutoring, counseling and mentorship to inner-city high school students of color to increase the percentage of UC eligible minorities. I volunteer at Compton High School on Mondays and enjoy every minute of it. The students have so much potential; they just need that extra push that SHAPE provides. I love being a part of a program that invests so much time and energy into helping students prepare for college.
    Spring quarter I decided to rush Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Co-ed Fraternity. I received a bid and now I am going through the pledge process. This experience thus far has been very rewarding. The fraternity allows for student from different backgrounds, cultures, and majors to join together to learn about law in a professional and social setting. So far I have developed resume and time management skills and proper interview and emailing etiquette. The pledge process has also helped build stronger team work skills and have the chance to become friends with people I would not generally be friends with. Rushing Kappa Alpha Pi has been one of my best decisions since being at UCLA.
    My first year at UCLA has caused me to look at the world in a different way and has exposed me to things I would have never known or seen without attending college. I wish that everyone could experience college life; it is truly a life changing experience.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 6:24 pm