KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.


    Tyler J.

    as;dlkfjasdf Empty as;dlkfjasdf

    Post by Tyler J. Thu May 16, 2013 2:08 am

    Today I wrote a part of a method section for Psych 100B. It goes a little something like this:Participants
    Undergraduate psychology students (12 men, 9 women, age range=18-25) from the University of California Los Angeles were recruited for this study. They were all from a research methods class and received course credit for their participation.
    A one-way within subject analysis was employed in order to test the relationship between the speed at which words could be read (the dependent variable) and the ink color and meaning of the words (the independent variable). The independent variable was defined as the congruence between word meaning and the ink color of the word and had two nominal levels: (a) incongruent (the word’s meaning was a color other than the ink color) and (b) neutrally congruent (the word’s meaning was unrelated to ink color). The dependent variable was the response time of the participant (i.e., how long it took the participant to state the ink color of a list of words) and was measured on a ratio scale of seconds to the hundredth place.
    Materials and Apparatus:
    This study was conducted in two separate rooms, labeled I (for incongruent) and N (for neutral). Both rooms contained (a) a stopwatch, (b) tape/other marking material, (c) an instruction sheet, and (d) a poster (which had different content in each room). The posters were hung on a wall/door that was out of the direct line of sight of a person entering the room. A line of tape was set down approximately 6 feet directly opposite the wall the poster was on and served as a guide for where the subjects were to stand. In both the rooms, the posters were
    white and approximately 1.5 feet wide by 2.5 feet long. There were also 2 columns of 10 words printed in all capital letters on both posters.

    I am not a fan of this.

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