KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    Journal Entry 14: April 30, 2013


    Journal Entry 14: April 30, 2013 Empty Journal Entry 14: April 30, 2013

    Post by tonyyuan Wed May 01, 2013 2:35 am

    I guess I could call today a productive day. I woke up really early today around 7:15 AM because I had a Physics lab that I had to attend to. I got up and changed into my business casual wear. However, it was really dark in the room and I didn’t want to wake up my roommates, so I used the flashlight application on my phone to search through my clothes with the small beacon of light that my phone offered at the moment. Through rummaging through all the hangers, I was able to find the right attire that I needed for today, which included the dress shirt, tie, pants, belt, etc. After changing into what I needed to wear, I put on my pin, got my binder, and packed my laptop into my backpack and then I headed out for class. When I got to class, I listened to a variety of songs that I just got the night before. As I got into my physics classroom, I picked a seat next to some of the smarter students for physics lab because I wanted to finish earlier so that I could take a nap because I knew I didn’t get enough sleep the day before. Thankfully, I picked the right seat and the people I had to work with were really smart and we were one of the first groups to finish and leave the class. Therefore, I went to a café in north campus, it’s the one next to Northern Lights, and I got a breakfast quesadilla and a side of orange juice. It was not good because all the filling fell out. I found a table to sit and then I was trying to do some studying, but I was too tired and fell asleep on the spot. While I was studying, I dreamt that I had missed an interview and I freaked out, but thankfully only 10 minutes passed and my interviews were not for at least 3 more hours. Then I fell back asleep, and then when I woke up, it was about time to go to my next class. When I was at my next class, it was really boring as usual. I am debating whether or not I should make it pass or no pass because the teacher today handed out anonymous surveys to everyone and we had to rate our teacher assistants and the teacher herself. I gave them both low ratings because I do not feel as if they were good in terms of educating me in an organized way because the teacher talks really fast and does not repeat what she says, making it really hard to have any kind of decent notes or substance and the teacher assistant is almost as if I had no teacher assistant because I have not learned anything every single time I am in his discussion. So when I turned in my supposed anonymous survey, I gave it to my teacher assistant and then he read my survey on the spot! It was definitely really awkward, but at least I told the truth, I guess you could call it constructive criticism. So now I am really afraid he is going to be really biased when he grades me because he grades really, really weird and I don’t understand him. He gives checkmarks instead of letter grades, which makes it really confusing what grade I will receive and I don’t want to receive a B in this general education class because I want to get a higher GPA this quarter. Anyways, it was a really awkward moment and I wanted to share it with everyone who decided to read my journal today. So that’s that, and I don’t know how to feel going into his discussion now, in fact I am pretty scared.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:20 am