KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    journal 5.30.13


    journal 5.30.13 Empty journal 5.30.13

    Post by megdavis Fri May 31, 2013 12:46 am

    I really wish I didn’t have Friday classes. It’s Thursday night, and everyone I know gets to be up late and have fun. But no, not me. Not Meg. I get to have an oral final tomorrow. Yay! I do really like French, but I don’t like it when they give me tests at 9am on Friday morning. My French TA was really nice to me this morning though. She told me I understand the grammar behind the language well and that I’m really good at writing it. I never thought I was that good, so it was a nice boost of confidence. Too bad my test tomorrow isn’t written. But I’m sure it will be fine! Well, no I’m not sure, but it can’t be that hard. It’s only five minutes long. I mean, I’m going twice so that’s technically ten minutes but it’s two five minute sessions. I’m just going to be optimistic right now. I’m going to be with my pledge brothers for a lot of tonight, so I might make them listen to me just so I can get practice. It doesn’t matter if they don’t understand. Well, I guess it would make a difference but I don’t really care. If Sai is there it would be good because he actually knows French. The Beatles are a really amazing band. My moms got me St. Pepper’s Lonely Island on vinyl. It was an Easter present of sorts. Anyway, I absolutely love it. I already had a couple of their albums, but none of them were as long as this one. Plus it comes with a poster in it which I really liked. I don’t really have room on my wall for a poster right now, but I am going to the apartments in a few weeks so then I will have more space for it. Caline and I are listening to the Beatles right now. Well actually we are listening to Wicked right now. But we were listening to the Beatles. I really love Wicked too. I saw it in high school and obsessed over it. My best friend and I memorized all of the songs and we would always sing them when we drove around town. But then it got awkward because people from school started seeing us dramatically singing in her car. Not going to lie, that wasn’t even awkward. It should have been but it didn’t really compare to cheer camp. We shared a room together and we were dancing and singing to hairspray and it was really hot so we were not clothed properly and then our teammates kept coming in to watch us and we were seniors and didn’t care so we put on a show for them. But then at the end we found out they were filming us and we never knew so then a whole bunch of people saw the video who we didn’t even know. It wasn’t really that embarrassing because I don’t get embarrassed easily, but still. Yeah, actually it takes a lot to embarrass me. During a speech at my brother school, my name was misprinted as Margagret and even that didn’t embarrass me. And when you take into consideration the maturity level of high school guys who go to an all boys school, that wasn’t exactly the best situation. And then when I went to the teacher who made the mistake and complained to him he just high-fived my best friend! I mean who does that?! People in my life, that’s who. People in Meg’s life. Sorry I never use the third person except for today but I used it at the beginning of the journal and felt like I should end on it for a bookends kind of feeling.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:26 am