KAP Chi Class journals

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KAP Chi Class journals

Journals for the Chi pledge class.

    April 19th, 2013


    April 19th, 2013 Empty April 19th, 2013

    Post by kmatsuno Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:46 pm

    Today was a really relaxing day since I did not have any classes. I was planning to wake up early to line up for the spring sing ticket but I was absolutely unable to wake up since I stayed up late for the past couple days. Fortunately, my friend managed to get an extra ticket for me so I am now really excited to go to Spring Sing this year especially because we got the reserved seat instead of general admission tickets. It was a hustle last year to line up on the line which went all the way around drake stadium. Another reason I am excited for Spring Sing is because it is held in the new Pauley Pavilion this year. I have been to couple basketball games at Pauley but I have never been to any of the performances held in Pauley so I am excited to see how it will be like.

    Other than getting the Spring Sing ticket, I mostly stayed on campus to catch up on my work before the retreat for Kappa Alpha Pi. Now that I am done with most of the stuff I needed to do, I am pretty excited for the retreat. I am a little nervous as well since I don’t really know the criteria of the retreat but I am pretty sure it will be a great experience either way.

    Right before we leave for the retreat, we also decided to do one of our missions so I am excited to do that as well. It will probably be mission#1 which is the Chi Pyramid. I am pretty psyched to try this mission out since I have never built a 5-tier human pyramid. It will sure be challenging since we not only have to build the pyramid but also hold it for ten seconds.

    I am now about to get the Shrimp Bowl from rendezvous that I have been waiting for all week to get ready for the exciting weekend with the members of Kappa Alpha Pi.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:19 am